And it is precisely when the child begins to leave the world of games to enter that of relationships, just in the most extraordinarily significant period of life of all of us, that she arrives, Miss Acne.
It slowly takes possession of our face and not only.
It likes to settle also on the shoulders, on the back, on the décolleté.
It takes his place and stays there for years.
Yes, because acne is a chronic disease that accompanies boys throughout adolescence.
It is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and therefore, in addition to being ugly to see, it is also hard to bear: oily skin, itching, sometimes pain (if there are nodules and deep lesions).
But the really unbearable thing for young patients is undoubtedly the impact on the image.
And I’m not just talking about the image that others have of us, but the image that we have of ourselves.
Acne aims at self-perception and while until just before these guys were the beautiful creatures that the mom created, they now feel like monsters in front of peers and this sends them into crisis.
Numerous studies show that anxiety and depression accompany the patient with acne in the very period when the need for social acceptance becomes more pressing.
At this time when it is so common to show themselves, they would like to hide.
Hence the numerous requests for dermatological examination for acne.
Although it is not a dangerous disease for health, the patient is willing to do anything to get rid of it.
What is the role of the dermatologist?
Surely the therapeutic choice should be taken into account of discomfort of the patient, it should be considered that acne can also be a spy of more complex pathologies (of hormonal type for example), cosmetic education should be done (because guys sometimes try everything, even wrong).
Therapy should be undertaken on a case by case basis, remembering how essential it is to intervene in the forms of acne that can leave scars.
For the rest it is right to give references to these young patients without stressing them too much, to encourage them not to lose self-esteem by passing the concept that now is to them to take care of themselves and that, starting with the skin with acne, Nothing will be perfect in life, but they will not be less happy
Doctor Lara Brandolisio